When it comes to real estate transactions, the assignment of buyer agreement is an essential component. It refers to the process of transferring the rights and obligations of a buyer under a purchase agreement to another party, known as the assignee. An assignee can be an individual, a company, or an entity, and they undertake all the commitments and benefits included in the original agreement.

So, why do buyers assign their agreements, and what are the implications of this action? Below are some details to help you better understand this vital aspect of real estate deals.

Reasons for Assigning Buyer Agreements

1. Financial Gain: One of the primary reasons why buyers assign their agreements is for financial gain. If they find a better investment opportunity, they may realize that they do not want to close on the initial purchase. Therefore, they can choose to assign the agreement to another party, who will take over the obligations and make payment to the original seller.

2. Personal Circumstances: Another reason for assigning a buyer agreement is due to personal circumstances. For example, the buyer may have an emergency, making it impossible for them to close on the purchase. In this case, assigning the agreement to someone else helps to ensure that the seller gets their money, and the buyer is not in breach of the contract.

3. Business Reasons: Businesses in the real estate sector often assign buyer agreements as part of their operations. For instance, if a company acquires a property with an agreement that contains certain provisions they do not require, they may assign the obligations to another party who needs them.

Implications of Assigning Buyer Agreements

1. Limitations on Assignability: Some buyer agreements contain clauses that limit the assignability of the contract. In some cases, sellers may not allow the agreement to be assigned, making it impossible to transfer the rights and obligations to another party. Buyers should ensure that the agreement they enter into does not have such limitations.

2. Notification to the Seller: When assigning a buyer agreement, the assignee must notify the seller about the transfer. The seller will then review the new party`s qualifications and approve the assignment if they meet the necessary criteria.

3. Liability for Assignees: An assignee of a buyer agreement takes on all the obligations included in the original agreement. Therefore, if the assignee fails to fulfill these obligations, the original buyer may still be held liable. It is crucial to ensure that the assignee is qualified and capable of upholding the agreement`s terms.


In conclusion, the assignment of buyer agreements is a crucial aspect of real estate transactions. It allows buyers to terminate agreements or transfer obligations and benefits to other parties. However, it is essential to understand the implications of such actions and ensure that the original agreement allows for assigning rights and obligations. Assignees must also be capable of fulfilling the original agreement`s terms to avoid any legal issues.